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16 September, 2004

Products Available To Render
3ds max (6.0+) Alias Renderer Lightwave MentalRay
3ds max (via SFRender) Chalice Maya(5.0 or earlier) MentalRay for Maya (5.0 or earlier)
After Effects Digital Fusion Maya (6.0+) MentalRay for Maya (6.0+)
Air Generic Scripts Maya Vector Renderer (5.0) Rayz
Alias PowerCaster Houdini Maya Vector Renderer (6.0+) Shake
Alias PowerTracer imgcvt Maya Hardware Renderer (6.0+) SoftImage
Alias Raytracer Jig MayaMan XSI


This generates a job specifically for Air.

To create an Air job via commandline, you can use the following parameters for the -product switch (case is ignored):

With Air, you can select any of the .rib files in your frame sequence. Smedge will try to determine the frame range from the available files. It uses intelligence to determine how the frames are actually rendered:

Scene file selectedExample command line
gears.ribair -frames 1 3 gears.rib
car001.ribair car001.rib car002.rib car003.rib

Smedge searches for this frame number from the rear of the filename. This means, if you have other numbers in your filenames, you need to make sure that they are before the frame number in the filename.