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Smedge2 Issues


16 September, 2004

Known Issues

IssueThe license I just received cannot be validated
WorkaroundI finally got this one! The most likely cause is that the date and time on your computer are behind the one used to generate the license. You could be in a different time zone, or have your timezone set incorrectly, or just have the wrong date or time. In general, if you wait until your clock says the same time as the date and time listed on the email in which you received the license, it should work correctly. There is a two day margin built into Smedge, but it could still present a problem if your computer's clock is totally wrong. When in doubt, check the date and time on your computer

Überware, being the technical powerhouse that it is, has all computer clocks synchronized to a network time server connected to an atomic clock, so it cant be our fault. Then again, nothing ever is....

IssueJobs sometimes report being over 100% complete.
WorkaroundUnknown at this time. The problem is related to lost notifications about failed packets and is only a display problem. The server always distributes the packets correctly.

IssueWhen a new acting server starts up, any active job history before the time of the startup is lost.
WorkaroundDo not shut down the client acting as server while a job is active.

IssueMachines cloned using Norton Ghost or similar packages don't seem to behave properly: only the last machine started appears in the interface.
WorkaroundThe problem is that the cloning process clones the ID number that Smedge uses to identify the client, making it not a unique number. The fix depends on which version of Smedge you are using.

For Smedge #33 or later, the ID is stored in the INI file:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Überware\Smedge.ini

For earlier versions of Smedge, the ID is stored in the Registry key:

In both cases, look for a string value labeled UID, and delete this ID number. Smedge will generate a new and unique number next time it starts. This may affect Smedge's ability to decrypt your license code. If you have license problems, please email license@uberware.net

IssueDeleted pools come back sometimes
WorkaroundPools are actually saved by each client as a list of the pools to which that client belongs. If you delete a pool, but a client that belongs to that pool is off-line, next time that client starts, it will still think it belongs to that pool, and will re-create the pool with only itself as a member.

To avoid this, make sure that every client that belongs to a pool is on-line and connected before you delete the pool.

Future Development

  • Port to Irix, Linux, and OS-X.
  • More advanced scriptability and a plug-in architecture.
Please send questions, comments or bug reports to support@uberware.net