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Why are the API versions different than the Download versions?

Smedge version numbers have 3 parts: major.minor.patch.

The major version changes when there are large scale changes in the underlying libraries. The minor version changes when new features are added to or there are internal changes in the API. These sorts of changes may break the binary compatibility of compiled components, because the underlying API has changed.

The patch version changes when there are only internal changes within Smedge components. Because these changes do not affect the interface to the API, they maintain binary compatibility with the other patch versions with the same major and minor version. For example, if you compile a Module with the version 2.1 API, that Module will run as-is with any installation of version 2.1.0, 2.1.1, or 2.1.2.

We always recommend updating to the latest version of Smedge on all machines. Because we release bug fixes and new features regularly, it is the best way to stay on top of things, and make sure you are getting the most out of your farm. You are eligible to run any version of Smedge released before the expiration date in your license information.

You can see a list of the changes in every version here:
Home > Products > Smedge > Changes

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