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How can I debug my Virtual Module?

Follow these steps to make it easier to write and debug your Virtual Module files without affecting the operation of any other Virtual Modules.
  1. Create a sub-folder in your Modules folder.
  2. Copy ProcessSequence.sx into the new sub-folder.
  3. Rename ProcessSequence.sx to something more descriptive, like DebugVirtualModules.sx. Make sure you keep the .sx file extension, or the Module will not be loaded. Make sure that there are no other copies of the ProcessSequence.sx module in the same folder.
  4. Create and debug your Virtual Module in the new sub-folder. You can use the Module Manager to load and unload the Virtual Module as you make changes. It will be listed with the new name that you provided in the previous step.
  5. When your Virtual Module is ready, you can move it into the base folder, and unload and reload the primary ProcessSequence.sx Module.

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