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16 September, 2004

View Menu


If you have one or more Active Packets selected, and Smedge has discovered a frame filename from the renderer, this will bring up the frame viewer to look at that frame. The viewer can be set using Select Frame Viewer from the Host Menu. The default is to use fcheck, the image viewing program that comes with Maya.

Check All Frames

This brings up the Check Frames window. From this window you can view every expected frame file from a job, and look for or even requeue bad or missing frames.

Job History...

If you have one or more Active Packets selected, this will open a window for each packet in which you can watch the output of the renderer. If you have one or more Jobs selected, this will open a Job History window for each selected job.

View Truncated Output

If you have one or more Active Packets selected, this will open a window for each packet in which you can watch the output of the renderer. The difference between this and the View Output command is that any previously captured output will not be sent when you use this command. Instead, the window will only start displaying any output generated from the moment the window connects to the process on. This is useful when a render creates copious amounts of output, and you don't want to use network resources and waste time waiting for the whole previously generated output to download.

Job Settings...

This will open a read-only Submit Job dialog for the job that is selected, or the job to which the selected packet belongs. In this dialog you can view the settings that were used to create the job, but most of these settings cannot be changed. You can still change the Priority, Pool, Waiting for Job, or Note fields of this job. You can also re-submit packets from the job.

Explore to Scene

This will open a Windows Explorer window in the folder with the scene file.

Explore to Images

This will open a Windows Explorer window in the folder with the rendered image files, if known. If Smedge cannot detect this automatically, you can set it in the Job History window.

View Saved HTML Job History

This will open the Saved History window and look at all available HTML Job History files on this system. These are the files created after a job has finished that contain a full breakdown of the history of the job. Every time a job is executed, a new file is created, based on the scene name. If the scene name has already been used, Smedge appends a number after it. You can sort this list by the name or by the date that the file was last modified. Double clicking one of the files will open the HTML file into a new window for you to browse.

View Saved Captured Output

This will open the Saved History window and look at all available captured output files in the folder Smedge is currently using to save output. Smedge saves the output for a packet into a file based on the scene name and the first frame of the packet. Note that Smedge will always append to this file if it already exists. You can sort this list by the name or by the date that the file was last modified. Double clicking one of the files will open the file into a new window for you to browse. Note that Smedge uses the file semantics for the extension ".log" to launch the file viewer.

Smedge Globals...

Opens the Smedge Globals window. This allows you to configure system wide settings for how Smedge operates.


Opens a dialog box that allows you to select the display colors for jobs.

Always On Top

Allows you to set the Smedge main window to always stay on top of other windows, even when it is not the active application.

Hide On Minimize

Allows you to set the Smedge window to disappear from the task bar when you press the minimize button. To restore the window you can either use the System Tray or you can launch another instance of the Smedge.exe program, and your window will be restored.

Start Hidden

Allows you to set Smedge to always start up hidden. To restore the window you can either use the System Tray or you can launch another instance of the Smedge.exe program, and your window will be restored.


Toggles visibility of the Toolbar.

Status Bar

Toggles visibility of the status bar on the main window.