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16 September, 2004

Instant Messages

Smedge has an instant message facility built into it for communicating to other Smedge clients. It's not terribly sophisticated at this time, but it does provide a simple, integrated interface for easily sending messages back and forth between clients, or to groups of clients, or even the whole system.

To send a message, select Send Message from the Host menu. The Smedge Messenger dialog box opens. This window is a modeless child window, and you can actually open several of these at the same time, allowing several different simultaneous conversations.

Select one or more Clients or Pools from the list on the right side of the window. Selecting a client will, obviously, send the message to that client. Selecting a Pool will send the message to every client in that pool.

To send your message, simply type the message and press the Send button. You can also specify an optional timeout period for the message. By selecting the Close Message in box and filling out the number, you can tell your message to close on the target machines automatically in the given number of seconds. This is useful when you send messages to a render farm where the GUI may not be used very often. Note that if a user starts to type a response, the timeout will be canceled on their machine.