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Why is my Job not being distributed?

When a Job stays "Queued" forever, first check the Pool. If the no Engines are available in the Pool, then no work will be sent, even if other Engines are idle.

Next, check is if the Job or Engines have had too many errors. Once a Job or Engine hits the failure limit set in the Master Options, no more work will be distributed from that Job or to that Engine. The idea is to keep a bad Job or Engine from wasting work time. You can see if the Job has had errors by looking at the Job History. All errors are displayed there. You can use the "Reset Engine Failure Counts" and "Reset Job Failure Counts" commands to reset these counts.

If resetting the Job or Engine failure counts does not work, try creating a Dispatch Log. This is a log from the Master’s distribution algorithm that will display the status of work distribution. From this file you should be able to debug the problem. To create a dispatch log from SmedgeGui, select System > System Commands > Generate Dispatch Log. The next time through its loop, the Master will create a file called Dispatch.log in its log folder. You must be in Administrator Mode to access this command.

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