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Where are the log files Smedge creates?

There are two types of log files that Smedge creates. When it performs work, the output from the process that is being controlled is stored in a "captured output log". By default, these logs are stored with the scene or project file for the work being performed. However you can customize this by changing the "Log Folder" attribute for a Job or for an Engine's options for the specific Product you want to configure.

Smedge also creates a log of its own operation. These are called the "machine logs" and are stored in a specific folder on the machine. Every Smedge component application creates its own logs. The logs are stored in different locations for each platform.

For Smedge 2010 and later, the log files are stored in the home folder of the user account that is running the Smedge component process. Each platform has different home folder representations, and different versions of Windows use different base paths for the home folders. In general, the path will be something like this:
WindowsC:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Uberware\component\Logs

Note that the 'root' user account on Linux and Mac usually stores files in a different place than all other users, for security reasons. On OS-X, the root user folder is actually /var/root, and you will need administrative privileges to see the files. Many Linux distributions put the root files in a folder like /root. Check your distribution documentation or your system administrator for help finding files from other user accounts.

For older versions of Smedge, the log files are in different places. On Windows and Mac, the machine logs are stored with the program files that are being used to actually run the Smedge component. On Linux, they are stored in a common folder on the local filesystem:

WindowsC:\Program Files\Smedge 3\version\MachineLogs
Mac/Applications/Smedge 3/MachineLogs

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