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Why does the work say it's been going for 37 and a half minutes when it just started?

The clocks on your computers are not synchronized.

Smedge 3 version 2.3 added an automatic internal time offset adjustment system. This system is not foolproof, but for the most part it will correct the time offsets to hide clock differences. We still recommend that you synchronize your machine clocks, if possible.

The machine that is running the SmedgeMaster program is the master time keeper for the rest of Smedge. However, if the clocks on your other machines are off, then the display of times for work and the amount of uptime for an Engine will be off by the difference between the two machines’ clocks. This is a display issue only. Because all of the time based actions (like the overtime kill and the average work time checks) are all handled by the Master only, elapsed time for finished work will be correct.

We recommend some kind of time synchronization software. Windows has a built-in time synchronization system, available from the Date and Time Control Panel, however it is not very good. Often machines on the same network will consistently set themselves a few minutes off. Another fabulous Microsoft product. Even if you manually set the clocks closer, they will eventually wind up back off by the same amount. Go figure.

In any case, there are other options out there for time synchronization. Also, it may be better if you have just a single machine that synchronizes to the outside world, and then have the rest of your machines synchronize to that one machine. Not only should this improve the synchronization accuracy between machines, but you will reduce your outside world network traffic.

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