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How can I change the "creator" to the real name of the person that created the Job?

By default, Smedge Shells will set the "Creator" field to the name of the user currently logged into the computer from which the Job was submitted. You can customize this to display an artist's name, or just about anything you want (for example, a name and email address).

If you are using the Submit Shell program to submit the Jobs, then all you have to do is add the -Creator creator-string parameter to your commandline, and you are good to go.

In SmedgeGui, you can use the SmedgeGui Options dialog box to set the Creator string. You can access this dialog with the command System > SmedgeGui Options.... In the "Smedge GUI configuration" section, there is a field labeled "Creator String". Whatever you put into this field will be set as the value for the Creator for every Job submitted from the GUI.

The value you set here is saved in the settings for the current user only. It also only affects Jobs submitted from the SmedgeGui program. This value will not change the behavior of the Submit program.

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